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Welcome back to another Soul Driven episode! In celebration of my two-year anniversary of reading the Akashic Records, I was guided to share the top five ways the Records have completely changed my life. They’ve taken a very successful woman, flipped the script entirely, and given her a life she never knew was possible, and I can’t wait to share that story with you. Tune in to hear how the Records changed my life, the specifics of what has improved, and why I’ll never be the same person again. This show is dedicated in full and total appreciation to the Akashic Records and the magic they’ve returned to my soul and my life.
- Weekly announcements
- Ahna’s two-year anniversary of reading the Akashic Records
- Why Ahna is eternally grateful for the Akashic Records
- What are the Akashic Records?
- Ahna’s story of finding and using the Records
- The 5 ways the Akashic Records have changed Ahna’s life
- Book an Akashic Record Soul Reading with Ahna & receive BONUS 20-Minute Human Design reading about your intuitive gifts
- New clients, use code NEWBEGINNING to receive 10% OFF 60 or 90-minute Akashic Record Soul Reading
- Discover How You Communicate with the Spiritual World blog
- Access the Akashic Records Workshop on February 21st at 6:30 pm EST (LAST CHANCE)
If you were inspired by today’s episode, leave a review on iTunes and subscribe!
Join a spiritually curious community and find a home in The Soul Driven Collective. Or sign up for the email list to receive podcast updates and helpful resources.
And don’t forget, “When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits.”
Until next week!
- “Any modality that calls to you will have a life-changing effect if you allow it to.”- Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Being in the Akashic Records helped me to get to know who I really am, learn how to accept my spiritual journey, and connect and strengthen my intuitive gifts. ”- Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “When you understand how you connect spiritually with the world around you – everything opens up. It’s life-changing. ”- Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “I think that fear (of the spiritual world) is healthy. I think it’s a positive thing because learning how to protect ourselves, learning how to manage and care for ourselves when working with the spiritual world, when communicating with the spiritual world is very important. ”- Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “If you don’t have confidence in your abilities then you’re not going to be able to fully connect. And you won’t be able to utilize your gifts in the way that you could. ”- Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “When you connect with the spiritual world, you start to realize how everything works. You start to realize that a lot of these constructs around us aren’t real, and it becomes so empowering. ”- Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “I don’t view people the same way anymore. And the more time I spend in the Records, the greater and wider my compassion becomes. ”- Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Our soul path is the one that we take when we choose our soul in this lifetime. It is the harder path because we have to learn how to be ourselves in a world that wants to make us like everyone else. But it’s worth it if fulfillment is our goal. ”- Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “(On meeting my tribe) Getting to meet other people who have never ending questions – who are okay not knowing everything, who are really trying to be the best people that they can be for this planet. It’s such a privilege. It’s such an honor. And I’m so thankful.”- Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast