Whew! It is only the second week leading into the third and I am already exhausted, but I swear I haven’t felt this alive in a long time!
It took the first full week just to get my schedule set in stone, not sure why it is so difficult to get into classes as a second semester Junior, but it was very hard. I had pre-registered but it really didn’t matter because all of the journalism classes were wait-listed. It was very frustrating, but I made it through and got the classes that I wanted-more or less.
I will be slammed this semester between my classes and the Daily Tar Heel, but lately-I feel very up to the challenge!
I cannot even express how wonderful it has been to not stress out about work or needing to remember when I needed to be at work, although the Daily Tar Heel is certain to keep me extra busy. My first meeting with the editorial board were overwhelming and I assume it will be for a few weeks until I get the hang of their style.
I cannot say that I have ever been around such little politicians and am often speechless at the meetings. I have to be honest and say that I never cared much for politics before Obama came along. It has always seemed like a joke to me and something that the general public had very little power over.
I remember being in fifth grade and the elections were coming up. We watched speeches by some old white men and then there was Bill Clinton. I liked him because he was the youngest and still seemed alive. And that pretty much summarizes my view of politics-ran by men on their way out.
I remember writing an article for my high school town’s newspaper The Franklin Press when the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal happened. It was a piece about what kids my age where thinking about it. I think we all found it comical-he just happened to get caught.
Politics are just so inter-weaved and its overwhelming to me on many levels. But I am realizing that I must come to know and understand this world of tricks and manipulation in order to be successful. Besides, having an opinion is just that-but to have an educated opinion is another thing yet.
One of my classes this spring is Political Science and while I know that much of it will bore me considerable-I also stand the chance of learning quite a bit about my country and its inter-workings. I want to be involved in these situations and I want to have an opinion that says something-not just sounds like something-and I want it to be my own.
One of the best blessings I have been bestowed these past few weeks is that I have been starting to really feel like I am a part of Chapel Hill. There are a few familiar faces from last semester in my classes, and they seemed as excited to see me as I was to see them. The editorial board, although still very new, will be my new home and that gives me confidence. And the family that I left at AT&T still seems to love me and have taken their time to send me texts and pictures and tell me they miss me. I am always humbled when people care about me.
It has been very difficult for me to move to Chapel Hill because I have been so lonely. I left a lot of very close friends in Asheville as well as my family.
Last semester was my first semester here, and between school, work, getting sick and recovering–there was no real time to meet people or hang out with the ones that I did meet. As a social person this has been very difficult for me, but I had to stay in front of my studies and luckily they didn’t give up on me.
Another wonderful benefit of not working is that I am getting to spend more time with my dog. Mani was definitely put through the ringer last semester with three moves, work, school, and my getting sick. He has continued to stay a faithful and loving dog, but I was beginning to believe that it would be in his best interest to find him a home that could give him the steadfast love and attention that I had seemed incapable of.
He now has me home with him quite a bit and goes on errands with me-plus we have been spending lots of time together in the woods behind my apartment. Who knew you could play hide-and-go-seek with a dog. I have had him since he was 10 days old and I surely would never want to give him away-it would break my heart. But I love him enough to not be selfish.
Life is good. I stress out about not having income but if I live cleverly I will be okay for a while and I have faith that the right job will come along or that I will be taken care of. God is always faithful.
The truth is….it pays to believe in yourself.