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Welcome back for the first monthly Akashic Forecast of 2024!
For many of us, January was a difficult and confusing month. One spent in-between timelines and unsure of what day it was. And it seemed to last forever.
But as we step into a brand new month, with Pluto now firmly planted in Aquarius and the Chinese New Year kicking off in ten days, the energy has shifted. Momentum is building. And all that we’ve been purging in January is being left behind.
The month of February offers us a continuation of January’s release while challenging to learn how to handle living at an increased pace, get clearer on our choices, the outline way we care for ourselves.
Make no mistake about it – learning how to choose ourselves and care for our body and minds is everything!
“You must make your steps, one step at a time. Laying one foot on the ground, seeing where it lands before taking another. We know that this will grate on the way in which you would like to be moving through the planet at this time, certainly through your life, but that is none of your concern.
For we are only here to share with you the best way forward. Buckle yourselves in. Strap down. Knowing that the ride is only beginning to pick up speed.
For this last month, you have been purging. Purging, purging, purging at such a deep depth. Laying a foundation for the year to come. For now, the speed picks up. The lights come on. And the music begins to play.”
Tune in, enjoy, and let me know how it resonates!
* Join ‘An Akashic Journey With the Body’ – registration closes February 9th!
* Check out February’s Events & Offerings: Furry Friends: Akashic Guidance Circle 2/8, An Akashic Journey With the Body 2/11, Access the Akashic Records LEVEL II 2/22, Akashic Restoration Circle 2/29
* Download the 2024 Astrological & Akashic Forecast Toolkit HERE!
* 2024 Akashic Forecast: Redefining Yourself
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“The winds are beginning to pick up, slicing their way through the door, through windows, shutters bursting wide open, smacking upon the walls behind them…
Whack. Whack.
The noises elevate, so too does the tone of the room, of the space, of the planet. A tone that has been beating steadily now begins rising in its impulse. Now begins getting a bit louder. You have heard it before, felt it before. Yet this month it’s going to come forward in a more deafening tone.
It will certainly still be playing in the background and will not be obvious to those who are not paying attention.
Yet it is growing. It is bursting. And the burst that is coming forth is making new beats and pulses. They beat to their own rhythm. They dance in their own way. For new paths are being forged. New openings, new railroads, new things are coming forward now beckoning wayward, twists and turns, binds and openings.
So much contrast taking place on the planet at this time.
Again, the rhythm moves. It rises and falls. It beats and pulses. Tones ringing out, beckoning forth. So, so much. So, so much that is here.
We know that you’ve been doing quite a bit of work lately, even if you aren’t familiar with it. Why you’ve been going into the depths of yourself, bringing up so much that has been living deep down for a very long time.
You’ve been shifting and changing. You’ve been carrying an enormous weight upon your shoulders. You’ve been trying to see the world in a new way. Trying to connect with yourself once again. Coming back, coming back, coming back to center.
For there is a thirst within you. Yes, you have tasted a little bit of it on your lips. It drips and it falls, yet you want more. You want to consume it as a whole being. You want to consume it in one gasping breath. But that is not how it will go down.
No, no, this requires time and patience. An opening of all that is around you.
The clasping fingers, why they serve no purpose here. The beating drums, they must be put aside. The heart that resides within all is waking up. And there are explosions and rockets taking place.
For eyes are opening and looking around, feeling into that which is around them. More of what is here is coming forward, yet you’re going to be experiencing it in a new way.
For you too, are becoming a new being – unfolding, removing the layers, allowing that second skin to be shed. To be released. To be set aside.
Slowly, slowly, slowly as you go now. Do not push and pull. Do not try to get ahead or to be better than those around you. No, no, the deep work that is taking place within you, why it will continue forward and into this month, beckoning you forward.
For you must choose this life. You must sign up for it. You must state your clear intentions to the Universe, and offer yourself up to be part of this ride. The ride that gives you the position of sitting in front, so that you see things coming before others do. So that you are both leader and messenger, and aware of all that is crumbling and falling around you.
So that you can take care of your brethren. So that you can look to those who are in need and pick them up. But first, bring it back to yourself.
Why we have spoken into this for so long and on so many different occasions. But this deep well within you, why it wants to be filled. This is your job and your responsibility.
And in the days to come, why, you must fill it with that which you find along the way. The pebbles and pieces, the memories and confrontations, all laying them inside of yourself, calling this human.
For your experience is valid, each and every part of it. But what is taking place now isn’t so much about you, but about all that is around you. For you have laid the brick and mortar, now it is time to stand upon it. Now it is time to allow yourself to be seen in the midst of it.
How will you allow others to come to you?
How will you find yourself among them?
The skies split and down comes rain and storm and lightning and loud noises. Why, yes, they hurt your ears, for there is so much truth in them.
For so much that has been taking place on this planet serves her no more. Things must shift and go, be pulled apart, split, cleansed and purged, released back from whence they came.
There is nothing here for you, but of course, everything.
You must make your steps, one step at a time. Laying one foot on the ground, seeing where it lands before taking another. We know that this will grate on the way in which you would like to be moving through the planet at this time, certainly through your life, but that is none of your concern.
For we are only here to share with you the best way forward. Buckle yourselves in. Strap down. Knowing that the ride is only beginning to pick up speed.
For this last month, you have been purging. Purging, purging, purging at such a deep depth. Laying a foundation for the year to come. For now, the speed picks up. The lights come on. And the music begins to play.
What will you do in these times when it feels as if you can’t breathe anymore?
What will you do when your mind wishes to play tricks on you and tells you that certain things may occur even when they have not yet?
What will you do when those around you fall and trip and scrape their knees simply because they do not choose to look up or to see where it is that they are going?
How will you navigate this time on your own?
Think about these things. Lay into them. Sit deep in them.
Knowing that this month is going to equip you even further, bringing you more of those elements. More of the decisions to make. More ways to say no.
And more opportunities to choose yourself.
For these are the times and now is the day. What will you do, Precious Soul? How will you lift yourself up? How will you continue forward?
Open up your arms and allow the light to shine in.
Welcome all that is here.
Welcome all that is here.”