(Guest blog post for SocialQuant)
There are plenty of articles circulating the web about how to get more followers on Twitter, but when it comes to growing an account for a startup, it’s a whole different ballgame.
Why? Because if there’s anything I’ve learned since launching my business three years ago, it’s that startups don’t have many resources, i.e. people or money. That makes growing any social media account more difficult, but because of the nature of Twitter, it’s often considered the hardest.
Twitter isn’t a straightforward social network – there’s a culture that one must adjust to, a language to be learned, and unique etiquette rules to follow.
Let’s face it, Twitter isn’t easy.
But that doesn’t undercut it’s innate ability to become a branding channel, major lead magnet or powerful customer service channel. So when it comes to plotting out a strategy to get more Twitter followers for a startup, I tend to recommend a grass roots approach. This strategy can be used for any business, but if you’ve got the resources or money to spend, other routes may be easier or less time-consuming.
However, as an advocate for many of the old-school strategies, I can guarantee that the quality of these followers will be excellent. All accounts attract spam and deal with some of the more unsavory folks in the Twitter-sphere, but if you follow this guideline, those folks will be cut to the bare minimum, and you’ll be left with the cream of the crop.
To read more, click HERE.