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Welcome back to another monthly Akashic Forecast reading for the Soul Driven Podcast! We’re nearly through April, which has been a tough month for many of us, but the energy is picking up pace and we should be able to shake off the heaviness soon. However, May 2022 is going to be a B I G month and I’m thankful this episode is coming out early so we can be empowered with the beautiful wisdom of the Akasha beforehand. Be sure to return to the reading throughout the month for context, grounding, and peace. And check out the show notes for the full transcript of the forecast!
- Monthly Events & Announcements
- Review – APRIL Akashic Record Forecast: Wash Over You
- May Akashic Record Forecast
- Akashic Forecast integration
- Astrology for the month of May
- Intro 00:44
- Reading 20:12
- Final Integration 32:38
- BONUS: What Are The Akashic Records?
- Book an Akashic Record Soul Reading with Ahna
- LIVE Weekly Akashic Record Forecast every Friday, 12PM EST on my YouTube channel
Lightning bolts coming down from every direction.
Yes, they pierced the earth. Waking her up even more. For she has heard your cries. She has felt what is happening upon her. And slowly but surely her eyes are opening, her ears are turning on. She is becoming aware and awakened to what it is that is taking place on her landscape. Across her meadows, streams, atop the mountains, within the valleys, across cities, towns, oceans, and nations.
Yes, she has heard your battle cry.
Yes, she has felt your tears streaming down her own face.
Finding their ways into the giant pools of water that take up so much of this planet.
Yes, it is your tears that help her to wake up.
Yes, it is all that is. Flowing through you. That is flowing through her.
For as you can see, you and her are one. There is no separation. For as she is waking up, so too are you.
Becoming more accustomed to what it means to be living. Having your feet placed on solid firm ground. Being able to go about your doings. Seeing one another yet again.
Yet all the while you know that great disharmony is occurring. It is this juxtaposition between a happiness that wants to spill forward, yet knowledge of what is actually happening that pulls at your very soul. This is why you have felt moody.
Why it is that finding the centerpiece within your peace has been so difficult?
For so many of you are lost. Yet so many are coming on board. And yes, it is through pain. Yes, it is through separation. It is through looking out across the landscape and seeing what it is that is taking place. Not only on your very front doorstep but on those many, many miles from yours.
Yes, you walk with a constant state of anxiety these days. Not knowing exactly what it is that you are meant to feel. But when you tune into your own world, you can find that peace. Yes, you can find that harmony or you can create it.
This month is going to bring so much forward. It’s going to unearth memories, emotions, things that have lived down beneath the cracked earth for so much of your lifetime. Things that you’ve been able to look away from. Things that haven’t plagued your soul yet have ripped out your insides. For you have been a busy bee going about doing this and that. Keeping yourself ever so occupied.
But that ability to distract yourself is beginning to fade. You are no longer finding this satisfaction you once felt in the TV screens, the scrolls, the food, nor the alcohol, drugs. The ways in which you felt you were able to touch in, to something kind of like happiness.
No, things are becoming more real by the day and that is only going to increase with time. But what it’s doing is opening you up. It’s giving you a greater chance to participate in all that is around you. For that is what is being asked, for you to stand up, take part in whatever way that you are meant to.
This will look different for everyone. You need not look at your neighbor and assume that what they are meant to do is aligned with you. No, you must find your own path.
This month, more of that will come forward. Yet it will also be hazy. For there will be so much coming at you at one time. You won’t know where it is that you must look.
Look down. Look at your feet. Look at the solid earth.
Mother Earth, she wakes up with you. She feels your turmoil, anxiety, stress, happiness. When you laugh, she laughs when you cry, she cries. It is this oneness that is coming on board bit by bit, step by step with each new sun in the sky. Each new moon at night. More and more is being shown. More and more is coming forward.
And soon you will be unable to look away. Soon you will feel it within every ember of your body. And this is what is destined.
For how could you care about Mother Earth if you did not realize. She is you; you are her.
And by damaging her, you will also be damaging yourself.
Everything in this life is but a mirror to you. And this mirror is getting clearer and clearer by the day. This is where you will find yourself shortly–realizing that all around you, all that takes place is this mirror, this reflection.
Take time with yourself this month. Take rest whenever you can as the energy will be shifting, picking up pace, going faster and faster as you have all seen. The clock winding down at such a quick pace. You think it’s just in your world. But it is all worlds.
Therefore, seek to find the steady ground.
Seek to do the thing that most calls at you.
Seek to fill your life with laughter, joy, abundance, family, friends, togetherness.
Get outside. Be with Mother Earth. Connect with her. For she longs for you.
This month, take extra care with your steps. Pay attention to where you walk. And mind your neighbors. Those who are around you. Those who you walk alongside. Determine if they too, can walk the same path with you. You need not carry anything that is not aligned. You need not walk in the footsteps of anyone but yourself.
Take your time.
Enjoy the space within.
And chase joy with loves rapturous excitement.
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And don’t forget, “When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits.”
Until next week!
- “Yes, you walk with a constant state of anxiety these days. Not knowing exactly what it is that you are meant to feel. But when you tune into your own world, you can find that peace. Yes, you can find that harmony or you can create it.” – Akashic Records
- “Things are becoming more real by the day and that is only going to increase with time. But what it’s doing is opening you up. It’s giving you a greater chance to participate in all that is around you. For that is what is being asked, for you to stand up, take part in whatever way that you are meant to.” – Akashic Records
- “This month is going to bring so much forward. It’s going to unearth memories, emotions, things that have lived down beneath the cracked earth for so much of your lifetime.” – Akashic Records
- “For how could you care about Mother Earth if you did not realize – she is you; you are her. And by damaging her, you will also be damaging yourself.” – Akashic Records
- “Seek to find the steady ground. Seek to do the thing that most calls at you. Seek to fill your life with laughter, joy, abundance, family, friends, togetherness.” – Akashic Records
- “Everything in this life is but a mirror to you. And this mirror is getting clearer and clearer by the day.” – Akashic Records
- “Take time with yourself this month. Take rest whenever you can as the energy will be shifting, picking up pace, going faster and faster as you have all seen.” – Akashic Records