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Welcome back to another monthly Akashic Forecast episode on the Soul Driven Podcast!
Today, we’re diving in SEPTEMBER, another mega month of excavating the internal, sitting with self, and determining Who We Are and Who We Want To Be. It’s a continuation of August’s heart-work and yet the protective covering leaves us with the advent of this new energy.
It’s time to learn how to live from our heart space. How to cut out distractions. How to honor ourselves in the midst of tumultuous times. Grounding will be our greatest ally this month and moving forward. Time to dig in!
“Yes, yes, here you are. Walking upon planet Earth in one of her most interesting times. You have access to the phone. You have access to the communication that is coming through.
Yet you know not what is happening. So you look to others. You grab and you paw and you gnaw. Looking, wanting, trying to find, digging holes where there are none to be dug.
Searching inside your pockets and clothes… It’s almost as if you’ve lost something. But you haven’t. No, no, not at all. It’s been here all along.”
Enjoy and let me know how this month’s reading resonates with you!
SEPTEMBER Akashic Forecast 25:40
Akashic Forecast Breakdown 34:00
* Join the Akashic Restoration Circle on 9/15
* SEPTEMBER Workshops: “How to Manage Your Energy” on 9/18 and “Access the Akashic Records” on 9/21 – registration OPENS 9/1 Grab your seat here!
* Book an Akashic Soul Reading or Akashic Restorative Session today! with code: NEWBEGINNING
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Crashes and bangs, bouncing in, to one thing and then another. And then another, and oh my, yes, yes, one more.
You fall and trip on your feet, you lean over, over the ledge, you see what’s there, you bounce back, you fall back. You are in line and in tune, and yet, fully unsteady, unstable on the ground that is beneath you, moving and shaking as it goes. Gentle tilts, full upright positions.
It’s almost as if you’re in an airplane, going through turbulence.
Sometimes you can see the sun through the clouds. Other times everything is dark and heavy. And you wonder how you’ve placed yourself into such a device.
But here you are.
Yes, yes, here you are. Walking upon planet Earth in one of her most interesting times. You have access to the phone. You have access to the communication that is coming through.
Yet you know not what is happening. So you look to others. You grab and you paw and you gnaw. Looking, wanting, trying to find, digging holes where there are none to be dug.
Searching inside your pockets and clothes… It’s almost as if you’ve lost something. But you haven’t. No, no, not at all. It’s been here all along.
The unwavering truth that is within you, that is now beginning to rise to the surface. That is pulling together the rips and the seams that you have been making all year.
Why this month – yes, it’s going to be tumultuous. So many things coming at you, as it was before. And that gentle outline, that simple step, the wayward motion, the soft and pillowy pillows that you laid upon, why – they are all gone. Set aside for another day.
For now you must walk and tread on the ground beneath you.
Yes, it is full of rocks and holes, but you must find your way. For that is part of the game. Part of what you chose to sign up for. All the while, decking, dodging, bouncing down, pushing outward, protecting yourself from the things that are coming at you from every different direction.
It’s going to feel like an avalanche this month of truth, of love, of excitement and chaos and calamity.
For as the earth begins and continues to shake and break and fall apart, so too must you.
But even in the midst of this pain is great calmness. A long, long tunnel full of silence and calm, a place for you to go and return. It resides within you. It resides within you. IT RESIDES WITHIN YOU, we wish to scream into your ear.
You do not need to run yourself around in circles and circles looking for truth and answers or ways to find your way.
It is here right in front of you. And knowing what it is, takes away all the fun. Yes, that’s right. We said fun for that is what is meant to be – the human life and why you are here. Dancing and bouncing and enjoying this planet. For there are so many things to enjoy.
But how often do you allow yourself that enjoyment, that calm quiet. The stillness?
No, no, you run around in circles trying to do all the things, this of course we have told you many times. But we continue to say it, hoping that you, one day, can see it for yourself, and see how foolish it is – how much you run yourself ragged, trying to do all the things, in a world that has never ending things to do.
Not only in the exterior, but also within.
Where would you like to take your next vacation? Would you like to go to a country far, far away, a beach, a mountain, a still, calm meadow? Or would you like to tune in to the peace that is always here, beckoning you forward, trying to get your attention, waving red flags? Screaming at you at such a high pitch, you can hear nothing – for you choose not to.
You ignore the pains and aches within your body, the undone lists, the dreams that you have left by the doorside for other things. For scrolling on your phone, for getting lost in the business of someone else, for walking paths and roadways that take you nowhere.
Have you not yet learned that you are an energetic being? And that your energy is the most valuable currency you own?
Your energy… Be mindful of your energy this month for as we move into the last part of this year, it’s going to get swept up in almost everything.
You’ve had a month now to connect with heart. And while this lesson will be here moving forward, know that it is time now for you to step out.
Step out into the world, and once again be here for all that is taking place.
Take this on with courage and pride. Believe in yourself, knowing that you have all that you could ever need.
It all rests deep inside of you.
Turn off the noise, walk away from those who pull at your weight.
Allow yourself time and attention for self… Continuing to draw on the messages that you have heard, the signals you have seen, and that which comes to your heart on a daily basis.