I realized two days ago I haven’t been keeping my blog up to date on the program I have been working on. Truthfully, I’ve been too busy to be as diligent with my blog writing as I need or want to be, but I thought I had dedicated one blog to talking about the program […]
Equality Found in Orange County Law Enforcement
Orange County law enforcement says it is important that immigrants feel they are treated equally in the community. Sheriff Lindy Pendergrass sat down with citations in hand. All six were cited for driving without a license. As the pages turned he read the reason behind the citation and disclosed the race of the offender-three Hispanics, […]
Carrboro & Chapel Hill, NC not interested in immigration status
When Officer Charlie Pardo approaches Hispanic residents of either Carrboro or Chapel Hill, he never asks to see their immigration papers. “I give them whatever advice I can give them. One of the first questions they ask is about being undocumented and I say we don’t even look at your documentation status, we are here […]