Tears fell down my face as I read that the Arizona law, SB 1070, had been signed into action by Gov. Jan Brewer on April 23, 2010. Although this law has been passed, we cannot afford to forget about it. SB 1070 makes it legal for Arizona law enforcement to ask anyone for their immigration […]
Burmese Water Festival to be held in Carrboro
Water guns, water balloons and spray fighting will all be a part of the Burmese Water Festival to be held at Abbey Court Condominiums this month. To honor the growing number of Burmese who live in Abbey Court, the Human Rights Center will be hosting the festival, originally called Thingyan. “We promote inclusion and pluralism, […]
Immigrants really do want to learn English, says LINC
“Immigrants really do want to learn English, but they don’t always have time because they have to work and take care of their kids,” said Marleny Ruiz, co-chair of Linking Immigrants to New Communities. LINC is sponsoring free ESL classes at the Human Rights Center in Abbey Court Condominiums and created the Know Your Rights […]