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Welcome back for another monthly Akashic Forecast!
This month we’re diving into AUGUST, a rebalancing month with a softer energetic signature aimed at deepening our internal growth and calling us into realignment.
Our exterior worlds will be full of rises and falls, chaos and intensity… But we’ll be in beautiful development learning how to lead with our hearts.
“This month is going to be all the things, packed into one so tightly. But it’s going to provide you the impetus to grow and expand in new ways. To find more empowerment.
To decide who it is you want to be. To clasp onto the clutches of the walls surrounding you and tear them down.
It is with your heart that you must walk forward. It is with your heart that you must proceed.”
Enjoy and let me know how the Akashic Forecast resonates!
JULY Akashic Forecast 23:30
Akashic Forecast Breakdown 31:38
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AUGUST Akashic Forecast: Underneath the Fold
Streams of light making their way down and through, up and over, in and out. Bouncing from side to side, bringing forward, pushing back, bringing forward, pushing back.
There are so many things happening at this time, unfolding and breaking, healing, reabsorbing, coming back together. But this is underneath the fold, for what takes place on an external level, why– it’s going to be so much.
These are the times for you to buckle in tight, for you to get down and dirty with the very things that call you forward – into yourself, feeling into the corners and grooves, the things that make up who you are.
When we say dirty, it is because it’s going to get dirty, meaning – you’re going to have to dig deep.
You’re going to have to put yourself out there, risk being seen, heard, known, figuring it out, being awkward, doing the things that you know to do, but then creating something that is oh, so different. Creating it from the ground up, pulling in deep, pulling up what has always been within, where it goes, how it comes.
For what is in front of you has always been in front of you, but you’re seeing it different now.
Your day to day doesn’t carry the same salt and spice that it used to. There is something lacking.
You feel pulled down, tightened in, strapped into something that isn’t of your own accord.
We know these aren’t easy times and yet what’s most important for you to understand is that they must occur. You must go through them. The world must shift and change if it is to step into its next evolution, and this is but one more tiny step moving in that direction.
The timelines of humanity are shifting and changing, going back and forth. For they cannot figure out where they want to go or which direction is best suited. Sometimes you’re on the higher route.
Others, it is lower.
This lower route isn’t going to take humanity where it wants to go. No, no, it will end up in great devastation.
But there is great work, great help, great light coming into the planet and into the Beings on the planet to assist in this redirect. For humanity truly does wish to reach up higher, but it gets distracted and confused.
This is by design, of course.
You must batten down the hedges, minimize the distractions in your life, stay focused on the things that help you to grow and expand, to reach. Pay attention to your mind, for the mind is a battlefield at this point in time. It always has been in its own right, but now it’s ramping up with fear and concern, worry, anxiety.
Know that these emotions serve you not.
They simply distract you further, further from yourself, further from the people in your life. Disconnecting you from your heart center, where all belongs, begins and ends. Here is the center within you that must be leading the way if you wish to find yourselves on that higher path. If you wish to go the distance. If you wish to uncover all that is here for you, all that has always been.
There will be peaks and valleys. You will feel as if you are driving through sandstorms, hurricanes, going underwater before poking your heads out.
This month is going to be all the things, packed into one so tightly. But it’s going to provide you the impetus to grow and expand in new ways. To find more empowerment.
To decide who it is you want to be. To clasp onto the clutches of the walls surrounding you and tear them down.
It is with your heart that you must walk forward. It is with your heart that you must proceed.
You must learn to live outside the peaks and valleys. To be unaffected by them, to expect them when they come, to be ready, and to be able to stay focused and grounded.
This month is going to bring you further into that. It’s going to open up windows, crevices, places where the light can shine in and connect with you on a deeper level.
Do not allow this month to overtake you, for it will surely try. It will pick and pull at your seams and edges. Therefore it is up to you to choose. Choose what is right, choose what is aligned, choose what makes you feel whole.
Do the things that bring you back to center.
Stay centered in your ground. Grounded in your underneath.
Do not allow yourselves to be overtaken by this rapture, the coming and going, the ebb and flow.
For this is life, and you are living.
And you are meant to continue living.