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Welcome back for PART 2 of Covid-19: As Explained Through the Akashic Records. Due to the length of this reading, I was guided to break it up into two episodes to ensure there was ample time to digest the responses. This week, you’ll hear the second part of the Akashic reading about Covid-19 and final thoughts from me.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Going into the Akashic Records for COVID
- Questions for the Records (questions 5-7 covered in Part 2):
- What is Covid?
- Where does Covid come from?
- What role is Covid playing for this planet?
- What lessons are we meant to learn during this time?
- How long will Covid rule our lives?
- What can we do to make the most of this time?
- Is there anything else that should be shared about Covid?
- Ahna’s feelings of heaviness and worry during the reading
- How Ahna reevaluated herself during COVID lockdown until now
- Intro 00:49
- Reading 02:35
- Final Integration 22:33
- Join The Soul Driven Collective
- Leave a Review on iTunes
- COVID-19: As Explained Through the Akashic Records Part 1
- BONUS: What Are The Akashic Records?
- For Or Against Covid Vaccines? Here’s A Better Solution
If you were inspired by today’s episode, leave a review on iTunes and subscribe!
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And don’t forget, “When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits.”
Until next week!
- “This is a world that can change its course of action at any time. But first, the lessons must be learned, vibration must rise. Your civilization must awaken, must begin to live life differently, must begin to reshape how it views the world, how it wishes to affect one another. “- Akashic Records
- “Much change must take place before COVID will recede – much crumbling, violence, breakdowns, resettling, rebuilding, reconstitution. It is a re-world now. So much must be undone in order to be rebuilt.”- Akashic Records
- “Learn to live in peace, to communicate from a place of curiosity. Learn to love and honor the differences among you. Learn to see these as valuable, knowing that through your differences, you can attack problems from different angles and thereby solve them together.”- Akashic Records
- “COVID is not evil, it is not a villain, it is not here to ravage your world but simply to help it wake up to all of its blessings and beauty, to all that is possible when you come together when you remember you are all one.”- Akashic Records
- “You are not alone. At any point in time, you can call out and we will be here. You can have help and aid at your side to help you maneuver through whatever it is that you are experiencing. You do not need to suffer in silence. You do not need to look the other way or pretend it isn’t happening. You do not need to numb yourself out. Yet if you find yourself in the midst of these things, please be kind to yourselves.”- Akashic Records
- “We know what a great burden you have upon your shoulders, yet know that you are helping to burst this planet into its next evolution. You are a part of one of the greatest undertakings that have ever been in this galaxy and beyond.”- Akashic Records
- “This is an uncovering, it is a lifting up, it is a metamorphosis. You are here for a purpose. You are here with all the tools that you could ever need to not only survive but to find yourself greatly exceeding all the success that you could ever imagine.”- Akashic Records
- “We have free will and our decisions today can recreate rewrite our story for tomorrow.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast