Social media may be ubiquitous – making it essential for you to have an account dedicated to your app – but that doesn’t mean that it’s enough to sign up for Facebook and expect followers to come flocking towards the App Store. There is an art and a science to social media strategy to direct business towards your app and it’s not always straightforward.
That’s where the experts come in. We’ve gathered a list of 8 social media experts you should follow to learn all the tips and tricks to making your business a social media success. They know best!
Ahna Hendrix
Ahna Hendrix is the CEO & Lead Social Media Specialist at ARCH Digital Agency – a well deserved position given her expertise. She boasts “No nonsense, only excellence,” and you get exactly this when you follow her site and on social media. Ahna has a lot of useful tips, plus she seems like the type of person you’d want to be friends with.
To read more, click HERE.