It seems today is ablaze with information about the newest iPhone and its newest features and physical counterparts in the media world. Since I have owned the previous models and am carrying the current 3GS I felt it was only my duty to elaborate on what I think of all this gibberish.
I worked for Cingular/AT&T for around 3 years before taking my exit earlier this year to focus on my studies. The company has changed dramatically since my first day on the sales floor. It was no longer my job to know our devices or demonstrate and sell them-it had become about more lucrative endeavors like U-verse, home phone lines and internet packages. Phones became just something else we sold.
I bought my first iPhone through one of my previous managers. It was the first generation model and I was super intrigued. I was also carrying a Blackberry during that time as my work phone-so I was able to get to know the best of both worlds. I relied on my Blackberry for everything. I liked its simplicity and its reliability-my iPhone was a toy, my “fun phone.” I rarely used it to make calls or send text messages because the touch screen was annoying and the reception wasn’t as good as my BB. I mostly downloaded apps to entertain myself when I was bored.
At the time I was living in the mountains where 3G was still a myth. There were places where AT&T couldn’t pick up, but that was the same for every carrier in the area so I was blown away when I moved to the Piedmont and service took a serious nosedive.
I had decided to upgrade to the 3GS iPhone not long after it had been released. It had many of the features I had been waiting for, like a video camera, and I was excited to jump on board. Immediately I had issues. The first device was returned within its first 30 days and then months later I had to exchange it through Apple.
After I quit my job at AT&T I had to rely solely on my iPhone. It was and is a mess. I barely have any reception at my house even though I live in the middle of town and have a Microcell.
I drop calls constantly, the phone overheats and decides when it wants to give me voice mails, and the internet only works half of the time without wi-fi. It isn’t comfortable to talk on so I use my headphones a lot and its quiet speaker render it useless when it comes to speakerphone or playing music. I can’t watch online videos unless they are on YouTube and I have to jump through hoops just to put my music or ringtones on it if they aren’t through iTunes.
I could go on with my grumbling list, but I will save you the time.
Sure it’s pretty-but after handling several Android models I am beginning to wonder why the iPhone is still in its reign. I don’t like the control that Apple holds over its device and I sure don’t like AT&T service anymore. I thoroughly dislike iTunes-it’s a slow obnoxious product and screws up my music far too often.
So what if it’s slimmer and has some newer, cooler features? Apple has dropped the ball for me-I am no longer interested in their cellphone and cannot wait to get rid of it.
I won’t be buying the iPhone nonsense once my contract is up and I would certainly caution anyone else from doing it.
AT&T sorely needs to upgrade their network before continuing to add products like the iPad and new iPhone. It is ludicrous that customers struggle to use the most basic of functions anymore (i.e. making a call) because the company has grown too large too quick to take care of its customers.
Make sure you do your research and wait until the newest iPhone has been released for a while before purchasing it. The newest models always have defects and it’s not worth the headache. Apple has been known for its customer service-but not with its iPhone so do yourself a favor:
Proceed with caution.