So much has happened since school started in August.
My life had been bumping along steadily, but pitifully over the summer. I was eager to return to the pace of student life.
It was another chance to push my limits – farther than I ever have.
The first day, I woke up again. I talk about “awakenings” a lot in my writing, but they are significant in my life. Sometimes I get so lost, so fast – it is an “awakening” when I come to.
Right now, there are incredible changes taking form, and a few new beginnings that I cannot wait to share with whomever reads this blog – so make sure and check back!!
We will start with now. First of all, my classes are awesome!
I am learning how to shoot and edit video through Final Cut Pro. I am writing long-form narrative stories that will be entered into the Hearst awards (kinda like a Pulitzer Prize for students). I am learning html, CSS, and how to build, create and edit websites.
And I am beginning my own non-profit!! Well, it will eventually be a non-profit 😉
It was an idea I had over the summer while working for the Carrboro police department. I didn’t think I would ever have the time or resources to make it happen, but thanks to one of my classes – the program is becoming a reality.
It is a volunteer-based translation program that will work in conjunction with the Carrboro and Chapel Hill police departments. Volunteers will sign up for time they have available, and the departments will be given schedules with the names of who is available, either in-person or by phone.
It may seem simple, but it isn’t. There are a million little legal ramifications that we are wading through, meetings to have, ideas to cross, and the overall model to be built – but it is happening.
It’s so exciting for me because I have always wanted to help in some way.
Communication is the greatest connection we can have as human beings, and if language can be shared (especially in lawful situations), then we have a chance at becoming more peaceful as a whole society.
I plan on expanding the program to many other types of businesses, I plan on expanding the languages we translate in, I plan on building a business model that can be implemented in any town or city. And because the need to cross language barriers will always exist- the program can only grow to become more successful.
But first, I have to calm down and make sure the program is built solid, and with integrity. I am fortunate enough to have five girls helping me pull it together, and we are getting class credit for it.
But we are fulfilling a dream, a need.We are making history.
And I cannot wait.
Get ready world. This little insomniac is finally using one of the millions of ideas she had at 3 am, and it’s going to be amazing.
If you have any questions, or know of anyone who may want to volunteer, please let me know. We are in the beginning stages, and can use assistance in almost every way.