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Welcome back to another episode of the Soul Driven Podcast, the FIRST episode of Season 2, and our FIRST Akashic Record Lesson!!! If you can’t feel my excitement yet, just wait until you listen to today’s episode.
First, if you aren’t familiar with the Akashic Records, I’ll be releasing an episode soon to fully explain what they are and how they became a necessity in my life. But the snapshot version is that they contain a vibrational record of every soul and its journey through time. Being in the richness of the AR can help us in every area of our life: relationships, health, money, creative expression, work, etc. They provide insights into why we do what we do and who we are.
In that, I wanted to share LIVE readings at the beginning of every month to provide a theme (s) for what’s ahead and insights on how to integrate it (them). I’ve listened to other podcasters who share similar monthly readings so I know how useful and powerful they can be and I’m honored to be following my guidance and doing the same for you.
In this week’s episode, I share my takeaways from the reading, mix in some astrology insights, and then ways I’ll be integrating it. The theme for this month is: Stand Tall. There’s much change afoot, there’s much to come, and it’s so key that we find our center in the midst of it. Stand tall in love and leave fear on the curbside.
So take a listen, share your insights from the Reading and what you think about this new segment. I love hearing fom you!
There is light, light you say. Coming from every direction. It is shifting, it is changing. It is a kaleidoscope of colors.
The ground beneath us is unsteady, it moves and it shakes. Legs feel weak. The heart beats quickly. But there is life here.
The sun, it shines over us. Nothing has left us. Nothing yet.
We stand arms outstretched looking up to the sky, waiting for rain that will never fall to fertilize the ground beneath us. To make plants and crops grow. Yet we do not till the land for ourselves.
We stand up and look to the left and to the right. We gaze out over our field. And we wonder when will the help come. But it is already here.
We look down at our hands, palms open wide, something in the middle a gift, a moment, a light.
We do not know all that we are made of nor can we imagine all that this world is comprised of.
We think we know but we know nothing.
We think we see but our eyes are shielded.
The only thing that knows is our heart. It is held and covered.
We erect walls. We fight on either side. And we do not realize that we stand on the same ground.
This ground beneath us is parched, it is dry. It is infertile. And yet we think something here can grow. But it is inside of us. All we look for is inside of us.
The world feels toxic. The world feels heavy. Our heads feel light. Our bodies feel tired and yet day after day we plunge forward one heavy step after another not realizing the beauty that abounds around us.
This is the time to take hold. This is the time to stand tall.
We beckon your voice. But even more, we beckon your heart.
To open, to widen, to breathe in the midst of the smog and the heavy.
We search for rain now as it falls from the sky and muddies the earth below us.
Stand tall, stand erect. Know that you are loved.
Peace is here.
Do not be afraid in the coming days of all that is coming.
Do not allow your heart to unleash itself from your body.
Do not allow the chaos to seep inside your skin.
If you were inspired by today’s message, please share this episode and leave a review on iTunes.
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And don’t forget, “When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits.”
Until next week!
- “It is time for us to Stand Tall. It is time for us to stand up in a way that we never have before.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Every seemingly chaotic time in our life is an opportunity to grow, evolve, and step into places we’ve never been before.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Standing tall is about learning to stand in your self-sovereignty.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Take care of your energy, take care of your heart.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “We create our reality.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Take it one step at a time.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
“We erect walls. We fight on either side. And we do not realize that we stand on the same ground.” – Lords of the Records
“Stand tall, stand erect. Know that you are loved.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “This is the time to take hold. This is the time to stand tall. We beckon your voice. But even more we beckon your heart.” – Lords of the Records