(Guest post for SocialQuant)
I didn’t plan to write a blog about why Twitter for businessTwitter Marketing Strategy is so important because as a social media professional, its pretty obvious.
But as I was gathering research for another Twitter marketing subject to write about, I was blown away at how many brands are either stepping back from executing a consistent Twitter strategy or aren’t participating at all.
The media may rant and rave about how Twitter is fading because it doesn’t have a CEO or because it’s not making money, but none of those things make it any less of a social network. Its still at the top, and I predict it will only continue to grow.
My sole aim with writing any article about social media is to help business owners connect with their target audience and speak their language.
But its also my job to educate people on why they need to invest in social media or a particular social network.
And Twitter is no different. I believe the majority of all business industries can greatly benefit from Twitters community.
So why should YOU invest in Twitter?
To find out, click HERE.