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Welcome back for the NOVEMBER Akashic Record Lesson for the podcast collective! This month’s theme is a question: What will you choose? I won’t lie to you, channeling through this lesson wasn’t easy. I wanted it to be light and carefree, I wanted to give us a break from the heavy. But the Lords of the Akashic Records love us too much to not provide the tools for what is ahead. However, after getting over my egoic disappointment, I realized what an incredibly powerful lesson it is for the month. It’s going to call you out in the best of ways and it’s going to challenge you to stand up, to decide – what you will choose.
In this episode, we discuss:
- How the November Akashic Record Lesson interprets the current state of the country and the world
- How we cannot blame others for our choices and responsibilities
- How being judgemental and fearful reflects back to ourselves
- The wake-up call we need
- The astrology for the month of November
- The importance of guarding your heart
- Some helpful tips for November’s astrological action
- How Ahna chooses to integrate this month’s lesson
- “We judge what we fear.” – Paul Selig
- “Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the springs of life.” Psalms 4:23
Tune in, and let me know what sits with you – what stands out for you in this reading.
Unveiled, and we all shine bright. Stepped aside, hidden from view, hidden from the notion that everything falls into place. We reside here.
Didn’t we know what was coming? Didn’t we see the sun rise from the earth and make its way to the skyline high up in the sky. Didn’t we know better?
For days now, for weeks, months, years, decades… We have pillaged and stood aside as the brush brushed up against us, against one another. Pushed and pulled we fought for the top rung. We clamored over each other, arms steadily climbing higher to reach it – that climax, that epicenter, that tidal wave. But here we stand on the ground in amazement and wonder as everything falls to the ground, as it tumbles and breaks. We wonder what happened here.
But what is this amazement? What is this confusion – really? Didn’t we see it coming? Didn’t we know it was on the way? Wasn’t there a small voice inside of us? That nagging feeling, tugging on our shoulder, our sleeve, and dragging us along the ground.
But we refuse to pay attention. We refused to listen.
So we find ourselves here in this place. What’s next? Says the wind. As it blows through your hair, as it awakens you, as it breathes life back into you. Who will you BE in this new earth? How will you stand? How will you arrive? What will you be? These choices and so many more are now laid out in front of you, in front of us. What will we do?
It’s a matter of gravity. The place where we find ourselves. But hope is not lost. The sun still shines brightly in the sky. And much can be rebuilt from here. Much can climb and cultivate, grow new roots and blossom in new ways.
Take heart. There is nothing to fear. There has never been anything to fear. For all of this chaos and mess, a new day is coming. A brighter day. A day that lives for us all. But we must fight for it. We must stand up for ourselves, for our families, for our earth, for our beliefs, our morals, our values, the things we hold true. What are they? Do you even know anymore?
Pillaging and rape, thieves and armories, wars, desolation, famine, what is before us? It’s a choice. To continue down the dusty path to nowhere. To continue refusing to go inside to do the work, to deal with the mess, to clean up the muck. It starts at home. It starts here. Then everything is possible. Then nothing can stand in our way. Then our bodies will feel light. Our minds will feel clear. Our hearts will beat, beat to the drum the way they were meant to beat – in unison, in harmony, consistent and rhythmic. These tones are meant for all of us.
Spread your arms wide, open out your fingers. Let us come together now and stand in unity. Let us bind together and make a pledge, a pledge for more, a pledge together, for each other, for all of this.
We can have it all. What will we choose?
- Episode 37 – Soul Lessons: The Paradigm Shift We Need
- OCTOBER Akashic Record Lesson: Stand Tall
- Paul Selig – Psychic and award-winning author of channeled texts from Tarcher / Penguin, including The Book of Mastery
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And don’t forget, “When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits.”
Until next week!
- “Many things have been unearthed. We are starting to see things clearly, which is rough but also beautiful because from the bottom, we only have one way to go but up.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “We can’t expect the world to become a better place until we as an individual become a better place.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “We have to take responsibility for ourselves. Because everything in this life is a choice – our attitude is a choice, the way we view something is a choice.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “We forget we are all ONE, we are all the same. The things that we think divide us, don’t. What we do to someone else, we do to ourselves and vice versa.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Let’s move forward. Let’s come together. Let’s be different. Let’s do that for ourselves for the future.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Stay informed. But protect yourself, guard your heart. Stay focused on your personal life, on your personal growth, on the things that you’re trying and elevate within yourself now.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “If fear is residing in your life, then you’re not going to be able to find abundance.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Hope is not lost. The sun still shines brightly in the sky. And much can be rebuilt from here. Much can climb and cultivate, grow new roots and blossom in new ways.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Take heart. There is nothing to fear. For all of this chaos and mess, a new day is coming but we must fight for it.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “We must stand up for ourselves, for our families, for our earth, for our beliefs, our morals, our values, the things we hold true.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast
- “Let us come together now and stand in unity. Let us bind together and make a pledge, a pledge for more, a pledge together, for each other, for all of this.” – Ahna Hendrix, @SoulDrivenPodcast