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Welcome back to another Soul Driven episode!
This week, I was guided to bring you a channeled message from the Akashic Records about what is taking place in the Israel-Gaza War at this time.
It was very difficult for me to approach this topic as I’ve seen the explosion of vitriol online. But my guides reminded me that I’m not only a channel for my clients in private sessions, but also for the collective.
This episode does NOT contain my opinions or any opinion about this situation. It simply offers a higher perspective of what is taking place and why. And it offers us practical advice on how to navigate it.
Let us remember to be kind to one another in these times. Let us do our best to lead with curiosity and openness. And let us find a way towards peace together.
Finally, I’ve provided a link to an organization “promoting Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation”, if you would like to donate to the cause.
I pray this message connects with your heart and I would love to know how it resonates with you 🙏🏽
*I will not be responding to any hateful, angry, or derogatory comments on this topic. I am not a historian, a journalist, or anyone qualified to speak on this topic. I am simply a channel who’s following my guidance. You’re welcome to your opinions, but divisiveness will not be given my energy or tolerated in my online communities.*
* Donate to the Sulha Peace Project: Promoting Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation
* Join “An Akashic Journey With Fear: Reclaim Your LIFE” A 6-week channeled Akashic Records course to transform your relationship with fear. ONLY 7 seats available! Learn more here.
* OCTOBER Events: Akashic Restoration Circle October 13th (SOLD OUT) and 26th (only 3 seats available) and Access the Akashic Records LEVEL II on October 18th
* OCTOBER Akashic Forecast: Excavation
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What is most important for us to know at this time about what is taking place between Israel and the Hamas group, the Palestinians, this conflict, this war that has erupted? What is most important for us to know?
What’s most important for you to know is that this has been a long time coming.
Yes, yes, it has been rising to the surface for some time and although it may seem like shock, awe, distress, oh, such a surprise – well, it shouldn’t really.
No, no, in fact, these forces have been gathering for some time on both sides of the aisle. For there have been many decisions leading up to this point that have placed these two countries into these two situations.
You must understand that there are many perspectives involved. And while we will not waste our time speaking into whether something is right or wrong, for it will never be that simple.
But we will say that for every action there is a reaction and it is important to take this into consideration when considering any situation that arises.
Think now about something much more simple. A relationship between two people. When a relationship falls apart, why it is never simply the fault of one person, for both have been involved, both have been guilty in their own ways and have contributed to that ending.
Now that ending and how they both experienced that ending will depend upon all that has taken place leading up to that ending. One of the people may choose to explode. The other person may not.
The simple thing being here that what is taking place was meant to take place. It must take place.
For there has been so much tension within this area of the world for some time growing and building, and now it is being heard. Now, voices are speaking into it. Now there is bloodshed, death, fear, all kinds of things rising to the surface.
It would do you well to do your very best to stay out of it. For there is not one person on this planet who understands the full range of what is taking place.
For this is a very sacred part of the world, and we are not talking about either one of these groups in particular. We are simply speaking about this part of the world for this is and has been decreed.
This is not a surprise for those who live in this part of the world. No, not at all, for these tensions have been billowing up for some time.
All of you who are listening to this, most of you will not have direct ties to this part of the world, being that you are not necessarily from this part of the world. Therefore, the intensity that exists here is not something that is a part of you.
Yet because all of life originated from this part of the world, everyone is a part of it and feels a part of it. This is part of why there are so many emotions around this situation. Why there is so much divisive energy running rampant. And why everybody believes that they understand what is going on.
For you feel it in the deepest depths of you.
But know that what is taking place must take place.
These tensions must come to the surface, must be released. And although the ways in which things are unfolding may not be the ways that you prefer them to be, this does not necessarily make them wrong or right.
For nothing is that simple.
And it is oh so important for you to remember this as you move forward. For this is going to be but one of the many situations that are going to explode on planet earth in-between countries in the coming future.
There are many rivalries, many things coming to a head that have been building for some time. The sooner that you disengage yourself from seeing one side of the fence or the other, the more you will be able to navigate these times with ease and flow, and without getting caught up in the emotional depths that are here, that will arise.
That must come to the surface.
For you must see, we have spoken into this so many countless times – for years now, about all that was coming to the surface, all that must be broken, all that must be torn down.
There is much here for you to see and for you to take into account that perhaps you were unable to see before.
Perhaps you will gain a new perspective.
Perhaps you will see things in a new way.
This will be part of why this is all taking place, so that you can see for yourself how narrow your view has been for so long. And when we say you, it could be you, or you, or you. There is no one you here, for you are all together.
Waking up in your own ways, in your own times, as are the things around you, as is Mother Earth beneath you. You are all experiencing and coming into the realization of the many atrocities that take place on planet Earth on a daily basis. You are simply being shown now what is taking place and cannot look away.
No, no, cannot look away.
We have even spoken into this for many months now. For your eyes are being widened, and there will be things moving into the future – you will not be able to turn away.
But you must remember that everything is serving a purpose, even if you don’t, do not understand it, or agree with it, or like it.
It is not for you to like.
It is not even for you to have judgment about.
Things must unfold in the way that they must unfold.
And it is not up to you in regards to how it gets done. For it has existed much longer than you have. Many, many hundreds of thousands of hundreds of thousands of lifetimes. So many different things.
Things must change upon planet Earth. Things must be shifting in a new direction. There must be more equitable freeways for all.
In this, know that the systems and structures that do not serve, that vision will fall, will break, will be torn to bits and pieces. And if it cannot be done peacefully, why then you may see wars erupt, you may see countries go head to head, people go face to face, more bloodshed, more lives lost.
This is simply because leaders are not using their hearts, they are leading with their head, they are leading with their pocketbooks, they are leading with their own interests in mind.
Therefore, direct your anger towards something that might be useful – change. Enact change on planet earth. Get involved in your local governments. Begin working to shift the tides and the world that exists around you.
Instead of assuming that you know what is happening in other parts of the world, or even within your own country.
For there is so much. Nothing is simple. No, no, nothing at all.
We do not wish to be anything other than direct for we cannot hold your hand through these things. We simply wish to tell you what it is that is taking place and to remind you that you are capable and able. To watch it from the sidelines without getting involved, remembering that there is purpose taking place each and every day.
What you must do in these times is take care of yourself, take care of your family, nurture the world that exists around you.
Be kind, open doors, smile at strangers, go out of your way to help someone else. Make this world a better place by investing in that which is around you, that which is within you.
For getting mad and beating your fists online, in communities, pushing people into corners saying that it is one way or another. Seeing things through a polar lens – will only cut off your ability to expand in these times.
Expansion must take place. And evolution, initiation, doesn’t always come by peaceful means. This is not by our accord, nor is it the way that we wish for things to be.
But this is how humanity is, and what humanity does. For humanity has many lessons to learn. And we pray and we hope that humanity wakes up to this realization, sooner than later. That less blood can be shed, that more lives can be saved.
That you can come together, even with those whom you disagree with, those whom you disagree with, and find common ground. Focus on the solutions. Find equitable ways forward. Understanding that you can only do your best.
Please be kind to yourselves in these times for we know that these situations weigh heavily on you. And it’s very important for you to sit with them and to ask why. To allow your body to show you where to grieve, to be angry, where it needs to release.
For you are carrying many lineages with you. Many layers upon which these events activate. And there is something here for everyone. But do not allow yourself to get swept up in it. Do not allow yourself to sit and stew.
No, no, make a better world by becoming a better you, by becoming a you – the you that you have always been.
Know that this situation will unfold as it is meant to. There are many timelines at this time, and we cannot speak into what is going to happen. For there are many people involved who are looking at things from a different capacity and are deciding how to navigate forward.
But know that there are beings who are working with this situation who are now coming forward to assist in the unfolding of it. And will be here to assist those who are in charge.
Therefore, the best thing you can do is to pray for them.
Is to send them hope, peace, wisdom, and love.
And yes, send love even to your enemies. Even to those who you believe to be wrong.
For if they had love in their hearts, they would not be taking these actions.